The Controller uses cookies. Cookies are IT data that are stored on the User’s end device and are intended for the use of websites. Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which they originate, their storage time on the end device, standard login information, such as IP address, search engine type, language, access hours, address of the website from which the User was redirected and a unique number. The Controller is the entity placing cookies on the User’s end device and accessing them.

Cookies are used for the following purposes:

  • Creating statistics that help understand how Users use the Store’s websites, which allows us to improve the Store’s structure and content;
  • Adapting the Store’s content to the User’s preferences and optimizing the use of websites; e.g. cookies allow in particular to recognize the User’s device – its type (e.g. laptop, smartphone, tablet) and properly display a website adapted to the end device;
  • Making sure that Users have read information about Cookies.
  • Establishing the User profile in order to display product recommendations and advertising, using advertising systems including Google LLC, Google Ireland Limited and Facebook Ireland Ltd. The cookies enable displaying advertisements and promotions based on website usage. Thanks to the cookies, the advertising content better matches the User’s interests and preferences. Marketing cookies can also be utilized to track advertising campaign results.

Users may independently and at any time change the settings for cookies, specifying the conditions for their storage and access by cookies to the User’s device. Restrictions on the use of cookies may, however, affect some of the functions available on the Store’s website.

We can distinguish two categories of cookies:

Due to the lifetime of cookies:

(i) Permanent files that are stored on the User’s end device for a specified period contained in the file parameters or until they are physically removed from the end device by the User;

(ii) Session files are temporary files that are stored on the User’s end device until (s)he leaves the Store’s website.

Due to the purpose for which cookies files are used, we divide them into:

(i) Statistical files that are used to collect anonymous statistics for the Store;

(ii) Cookies that are used to ensure data security and confidentiality;

(iii) Functional files that make it possible to remember preferred functionalities of the Store;

(iv) Advertising files, allow tailoring advertising content to match the User’s interests.


The Controller cooperates with third party entities, including social media platforms, in order to publish online advertisements. For this purpose, the User’s browser stores cookies generated by the entities. The cookies enable tailoring the advertising shown by these entities to match User’s interests. The entities can assign the User’s visit in the Store to the User’s profile maintained by the entities.
In order to perform marketing services, the Controller utilizes the service of the following third party entities, that utilize cookies:

    1. Google LLC, Google Ireland Limited
    2. Facebook Ireland Ltd., Facebook Inc.

Additional information regarding the use of cookies by these entities can be found in their privacy policies. The User can prevent the user of third party cookies by adjusting their browser settings.